topsOrtho™ Integration

Customer Success Advisor
Customer Success Advisor
  • Updated

If your practice is using topsOrtho™, syncing it to the Hub will allow it to:

  • Sync existing Tops and Hub profiles together
  • Create new Hub profiles from Tops
  • Track any Patient Import Failures that may occur. 

Let's get started! 

Syncing tops with the Hub

To start the sync, open topsOrtho™ from your desktop.

Then click the topsOrtho tab > Practice Setup. 


Log into your topsOrtho™ admin account. If you encounter an error like the one below, you may need to ask another admin in the office who has higher privileges or even your doctor to login instead. 


Once you are logged into a topsOrtho™ admin account, click on the Web & Reminders tab. 


Click the "+" button at the bottom of the list on the left. 


Scroll down the list until you see PracticeGenius. Click "Add Service" to open the Setup page. 


Enter any Patient Rewards Hub admin username and password. 


Lastly, click "Enable Service".



Start Your Sync

Now that your integration is successfully set up, you can start using it by clicking View tab > Patient Info. 



In the search menu that appears, look up a patient's account. 

Next, if the patient does not yet have a profile in the Hub, simply click Off-the-Charts > Patient Rewards Hub to create the patient's profile in the Hub. 


Please note, that if this is your first time opening a patient's Hub profile from Tops, you may need to sign into your Hub account. Any Hub staff member's credentials can be used here; they do not have to match the one used during the integration setup. 

If the patient already has a profile in the Hub, then open a browser, log into your Hub account, and look up the patient's profile. Confirm that the following information on their profile matches what's shown in their tops profile: 

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth

If all three of these match in both systems, then click Off-the-Charts > Patient Rewards Hub to sync the patient's profile in the Hub. 


Troubleshooting Your Integration

You can check out the PMS Integrations page for the latest updates on your patient import failures. 



If a patient's profile is missing from your Hub, it is possible that an error occurred that prevented their profile from transitioning over. 

To find out what that error was, simply click the Expand link at the top right right, search for their name (CTRL+F or CMD+F could be useful here), and look at the errors column in their row. As soon as this error is addressed in your topsOrtho system, their profile will sync with the Hub.