WaveOrtho Integration

Customer Support
Customer Support
  • Updated

Syncing WaveOrtho with the Hub only takes a few steps. Let’s get started!


1. In WaveOrtho click on the Settings icon at the top right-hand corner.



2. From the Settings Menu, click the Integration Button
3. Select the Rewards Hub Tab
4. Enter the Username and Password associated with your Rewards Hub account.
5. Make sure the correct location is selected here before you enter the information. If you
have multiple locations, the information will need to be copied and pasted in for each


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Using the Rewards Hub integration

1. When on a patient record, click the Rewards button at the top of the window



2. If the Rewards Hub ID for this patient has already been saved into Wave that patient
will be opened in the Rewards Hub right within Wave
3. If the ID does not already exist, Wave will search Rewards Hub to see if the patient
already exists. It will search by the following parameters in this order: Email address,
Patient ID, Award ID, Responsible Party Email, First and Last Name
4. When searching by Responsible Party Email or First and Last Name, Wave will show
a list of found patients for you to choose from, or you can choose to create a new
patient in Rewards Hub.
5. If no patients are found to choose from, Wave will add the patient to the Rewards Hub


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