Understanding the link between Groups and Tags
A Member Type is established when a new member is created and added to the database. The member type options available are Member and Lead. Member types allow the Rewards Hub to categorize and separate your database.
Tags are custom-created keywords that can be added to any member in your database, regardless of their member type. Tags are crucial to creating a group, because they allow you to add people from different member types to the same groups.
To sum up, Groups are comprised of many member types who share similar tags.Create a Tag
To create a tag, you can do this by clicking on Settings ⚙️>Tags.
Click Add New Tag to begin creating a new tag.
Once you're finished, click Create Tag.
The new tag will then be added to the list of tags that can be viewed from this screen, or from within an individual group's settings.
Add Tag to Group
Once you have added all of the tags you need, please navigate to Settings ⚙️>Groups. From here, you'll place the tags in the correct groups. Click here for step by step instructions.
Add/Edit a Member's tag
To associate these tags with your members, access the member's profile. Click on the Profile tab. Underneath the Status button, click the link that says edit tags.
A drop-down list will appear. Checkmark the boxes next to the tag you would like to add. Please click the x to remove any tags that no longer apply.
Click done to finish.
Once you have Tags and Groups set up, please navigate to Settings ⚙️>Access Control to manage member permissions. Please click here for instructions.