Syncing Dolphin with the Hub only takes a few steps! Once it’s setup, Dolphin will be able to:
- Share patient information with the Hub
- Update a patient’s Hub tags whenever a patient’s status changes
- Allow patients to checkin using their Hub cards or Hub app
Let’s get started!
Step 1: Contact PracticeGenius to Install HubSync
Please send us an email to with the answers to the following questions.
- How many locations do you have?
- How many Dolphin Databases?
- Are you using a Terminal server?
- Are you using Dolphin Cloud?
- Please provide the name and contact information for your IT team and please let them know that you give permission for us to contact them to install the sync service.
Once the HubSync has been installed, your Customer Success Team will be in touch to help you with the next steps.
Step 2: Create your Tag Map
Once your Dolphin practice management system is integrated with the Hub, checkout the Integration page to see its latest updates.
Syncing statuses is a cinch using the Tag Mapping section. On the left, you will find statuses pulled in from Dolphin. Simply click on the Edit link next to any status to open up a list of tags you can map it to in the Hub.
Just in case you don't know where to begin, here are some examples of common pairs we've seen:
- Dolphin: New Patient --> Hub: Future Patient
These patients have not been seen yet - Dolphin: Recall --> Hub: Kids Club
These patients have had an exam, but are not clinically ready to begin - Dolphin: Phase I --> Hub: Orthodontic Patient
These patients are usually about 6-10 years old, and are having treatment to intercept a problem - Dolphin: Observation/Between Phases --> Hub: Between Treatment Patient
These patients have completed Phase I, but are not yet ready for Phase II - Dolphin: Phase II --> Hub: Orthodontic Patient
These patients have had a Phase I treatment and are in treatment for full ortho treatment - Dolphin: Comprehensive Child --> Hub: Orthodontic Patient
These patients are in full ortho treatment - Dolphin: Comprehensive Adult --> Hub: Adult Patient
These patients are in full ortho treatment - Dolphin: Invisalign --> Hub: Adult Patient
- These patients are in full ortho treatment but use Invisalign
- Dolphin: Invisalign Teen --> Hub: Orthodontic Patient
These patients are in full ortho treatment but use Invisalign - Dolphin: Retention --> Hub: Alumni
These patients are now finished with braces and have retainers - Dolphin: Inactive --> Hub: Alumni
These patients are now finished with the retention phase of treatment
Once the list appears, select whichever tags you would like to map to this status.
Now the statuses you use in Dolphin are mapped to tags you use in the Hub. If you ever want to make adjustments, simply click the Edit link to reconfigure your settings. It's as easy as that!
Step 3: Contact Dolphin support
Please call Dolphin Support (+1.818.435.1368) and let them know you would like to install
the Patient Rewards Hub integration tab on each workstation and enable the Dolphin 2.0 sign-in
Below is information you may provide to the support team if they have questions:
If the install is not working, it will likely only be an entry needed in the Dolphin.ini file on all computers
running dolphin(by default located at C:\dolphin\dolphin.ini, but in many implementations has been
moved to a shared drive).
Step 4: Keep an Eye on Import Failures and Quarantines
If you ever have trouble finding a patient's profile in your Hub, go to the Integration page and check to see if the Last Sync Date matches the current date. If it does not, please email us at
If the Last Sync Date is current, check out the Patient Import Failures and Quarantines sections to see if there might have been an error that prevented their profile from transitioning over from Dolphin or properly updating in the Hub.
To do this, simply click the Expand link at the top right right pf the Patient Import Failures section to open the list. Then, search for your missing patient's name (CTRL+F in Windows or CMD+F on a Mac could be useful here).
If you find them in the Import Failures section, look at the errors column in their row to see what caused the hiccup. As soon as this error is addressed, their profile will sync with the Hub.
If you find them in the Quarantines section, click the Approve button above their name to accept the update info sent over from Dolphin, or the Reject button to reject the new information.