The Members tab is where you can find a list of your Members and Leads.
Leads are people who have come into your Hub from either a promotion, referral offer, through a contact form, or self-registration on your Hub microsite. Please click here for more information.
Members are customers you've invited to participate in your rewards program. You can sort member profiles using a variety of criteria to help you find and manage members easily.
Adding a New Member
To create a new member profile in the Hub, simply do the following:
Click the Add Member button.
Fill in the new member's First Name, Last Name, and Status Tag.
Connect a card, or click Skip adding card.
Click Add Member.
Invite the member to join the Hub
You can send an email invite to help members move quickly through the registration process. Until the member registers, you'll be able to see the last date you sent an invite. For full instructions on sending invites, please click here.
For more details on sorting members or inviting multiple members to register, please click here.