Inviting Unregistered Members to the Hub

Customer Success Advisor
Customer Success Advisor
  • Updated

There are four ways to invite new members to register their rewards account. 

1) Invite with email:

Navigate to the member's profile, then click Send Invite (or Re-Send Invite


Input your member's preferred email address.


Click Send Invite.


Your member will receive an invitation that looks like this and will be able to complete their registration by clicking Accept Invite. 




Invite Cadence: The Hub will send out five friendly reminders over 16 weeks to keep your members engaged and on track. Members can unsubscribe if they do not want to receive them. They will only ever go into this reminder cadence one time.

Cadence Timeline:

3 days after initial invite

5 days after initial invite

2 weeks after initial invite

13 weeks after initial invite

16 weeks after initial invite

You can see when the next auto-invite will go out under the “Resend Invite” button on the member profile.

After your member successfully completes their registration, their account will be updated and the Send Invite button will no longer be applicable.




2) Invite with link:

Navigate to the member's profile, then click Send Invite (or Re-Send Invite


Click Copy Invite Link .


Paste the member's link into your own outside email or text messaging service.


3) Create Invite Automations

Navigate to Manage> Automation>Add. From there you will see two options: Invite At Activity Loop and Invite at Point Award.


invite automations.jpg


Please click here for step by step instructions on setting up Automations. 


4) Send Bulk Email Invites

To send email registration invites to more than one member at a time, please go to the Members tab in the top left corner of your homepage.




Here you'll find your full list of members. You may filter by registration status, select all, and send the invites.


bulk invite.gif


Please note, that if any of the selected members do not have an email on file, they will not receive the invite. You can click on "see members" to get the list so that you may update their profile and send an invitation directly. 

Please feel free to reach out to us at if you have additional questions.