December 2020 Promotion: Spreading Holiday Cheer

Customer Success Advisor
Customer Success Advisor
  • Updated

Note: This article accompanies December 2020's Hub Action Plan


Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a list of ways that your members and their friends can spread holiday cheer this season. Once your list is created, encourage your members to help spread the word using the links and QR codes in social posts, messages, and print materials. Feel free to adjust the rewards and text – even the graphics – to fit the needs of your business.

Step 1: Event Details: Where, When, Who


[Title for Internal Use]:
December 2020: Spreading Holiday Cheer

Location Options: None (adjust if needed)

Start Date: 11/26/2020  (adjust if needed)
End Date: 1/3/2021   5:00 PM (adjust if needed)
Advanced Settings: deselect [ ] Show Times



Step 2: Add a Promotion Image


[Campaign image]
Then choose EDIT IMAGE > STATIC TEMPLATES (navigate to correct image)


Step 3: Add your Promotion Description


Headline text:
Spread Some Holiday Cheer This Season

Spreading cheer is the best way to find it ourselves. Share these ideas with friends so that you can all extend holiday magic to others.


Details and Outline:
Restrictions on travel, large group gatherings and activities mean the holidays will look different this year, but that doesn't mean it has lost its magic. Spreading cheer is the best way to find it ourselves, and with a little creativity you can even find it in 2020. 

We've collected some fun ideas for extending the holiday magic to others. Share these ideas with friends and family. Try them together or hold a Zoom meeting (complete with hot chocolate and cookies) to talk about all of the ways you spread holiday cheer this season.

Deliver Groceries or Holiday Meals to Seniors
Many seniors have chosen to stay home during the pandemic. You can make their holiday special by delivering groceries or a holiday meal to their porch. Include a cheery holiday card to make your delivery even more special.

Donate Toys, Food, Clothes, Coats and Blankets
Give to those less fortunate by making a donation to your local food bank, homeless shelter, Salvation Army, Goodwill, Red Cross, or Toys for Tots. New toys, non-perishable foods, and gently used clothing, coats and blankets help make the holidays brighter for others.

Send Care Packages to Troops Overseas
Assemble care packages filled with items like scarves, knit hats, neck gators, socks, and toiletries and send them to Operation Gratitude – a non-profit organization that sends care packages to U.S. troops deployed in harm's way.

Sponsor A Family
Make another family's holiday dreams come true by fulfilling their wishes of basic necessities, clothing, and small gifts through the Salvation Army's Adopt-A-Family program, or through churches or charitable organizations. 

Remember Furry Friends
Donate toys, blankets and food to your local animal shelter. Share your love of animals by giving furry friends a temporary home or help finding them a forever home.

Make Memories At Home
Zoom with family members as you trim your tree or bake Christmas cookies. Hold a watch party on Netflix as you watch your favorite Christmas movies.

We'd love to hear how you spread the magic of the season to others this year! Visit us on Facebook or Instagram, find our "Happy Holidays" post that matches the graphic in this article, and share your stories in the comments. Happy holidays! πŸŽ




Build Engagement With Social Posts

To send a post to Social Media Manger for scheduling, click:

[Set Up In Social Media Manager] > [Save & Schedule]


To download the post and schedule from your social media accounts, click:

[Download Image]


Build Engagement by Sending Messages to Your Members

To send an in-app message and email to your members about your promotion, click:

[Set Up In Communication Manager] 

Messages can be sent immediately or scheduled for a future date. Here's an illustration of a message that was edited before it was sent to Communication Manager, and scheduled to be sent on the first day of the event.


Build Engagement by Sending Flyers and Postcards

Download a print-ready file of an 8.5x11 flyer, complete with a QR code that takes your audience to your landing page for more details.


Download a print-ready file of a 4x6 postcard, complete with a QR code that takes your audience to your landing page for more details.


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