Note: This article accompanies August 2020's Hub Action Plan
Invite members to make a difference when students head back to school by offering to donate school supplies to a school of their choice when their friends become your newest members.
Here is a step-by-step guide for setting up your "Make a Difference" campaign. Feel free to adjust the rewards and text to fit the needs of your business.
Step 1: Set your Campaign's Name, Schedule, and Rewards
[Name your campaign]: August 2020: Back to School
[Set schedule]:
Start: (today)
End: 8/31/20
[Set rewards]:
Patient reward: 250 points and a school supplies donation (adjust if needed)
Invitee reward: 250 points and a school supplies donation (adjust if needed)
Step 2: Load your Campaign Image
[Campaign image]
NOTE: this image is attached at the end of this article
Step 3: Create your Patient Share Page Message
[Patient share page]:
Headline text: Spread the Word, Make a Difference!
Body text:
Hi [Patient First Name]!
Make a difference in the lives of students as they head back to school! Refer your friends to us before [End Date] and when they're ready to begin we'll award both of you 250 points in your rewards accounts, plus make a donation of school supplies to the school of your choice! Click the links below to share this offer today.
Step 4: Create the Message your Patient's Invitee will Receive
[Patient Message to Invitee]:
Message subject: Here's a Great Way to Make a Difference!
Message body: If you've thought about joining [Practice Name] this is a great time to get started! From now until [End Date] you'll receive 250 points in their rewards program AND they'll make a school supplies donation to a school of your choice! Click on the link to get started. [Practice Name] is awesome!
Step 5: Create your Invitee Signup Page Message
[Invitee Signup Page]:
Headline text: [Patient First Name] thinks you'll enjoy making a difference!
Body text:
We're excited to share more about [Practice Name] with you! Complete the form below to receive 250 points in our rewards program when you're ready to begin. Additionally, we'll make a donation of school supplies to the school of your choice!
Step 6: Create the Invitee Confirmation Page Message
[Invitee Signup Confirmation Page]:
Headline text: Congratulations, [Invitee First Name]!
Body text:
You're signed up to receive 250 rewards points, plus a school supplies donation to a school of your choice! We'll be in touch soon. In the meantime, visit us at [Practice Website] to learn more about us.
Launch Campaign!
Good Idea: Review the Campaign Communications Settings
It's always a good idea to review your Communication setting before your referral campaign launches at 9am tomorrow morning. To do so, simply click [Communication] and preview the Engagement and Participation Messages.
–––––––––––––– Click here to learn more about REFERRAL MANAGER –––––––––––––
Graphics for referral campaign:
(click on the link, and then right click on the image to save to your computer)
- Make_A_Difference.png300 KB