Note: This article accompanies May 2020's Hub Action Plan
Create a special offer for your members let them know you care about them, their friends and family, and your community. Offer gift cards to local stores and restaurants to help support them as they reopen after the pandemic.
Here is a step-by-step guide for setting up your campaign. Feel free to adjust the rewards and text to fit the needs of your business.
Step 1: Set your Campaign's Name, Schedule, and Rewards
[Name your campaign]: We Care: Support for Businesses - May/June 2020
[Set schedule]:
Start: (today)
End: 6/30/20
[Set rewards]:
Patient reward: $50 gift card to a local store or restaurant (adjust if needed)
Invitee reward: $50 gift card to a local store or restaurant (adjust if needed)
Step 2: Load your Campaign Image
[Campaign image]
NOTE: these images (in several color combinations) are attached at the end of this article
Step 3: Create your Patient Share Page Message
[Patient share page]:
Headline text: We Care: Support For You, Your Friend, and Local Businesses
Body text:
Hi [Patient First Name]!
We care about you, your family, and the community we share, and we know the last few weeks have been difficult. So we've created a special referral offer that rewards you and your friend while supporting local businesses. When your friend joins our family after being referred by you, you'll each receive a [Invitee Reward]. Simply share this offer through your Rewards Hub and we'll take care of the rest. We care about you, and we can't wait to see you in our office again soon!
Step 4: Create the Message your Patient's Invitee will Receive
[Patient Message to Invitee]:
Message subject: Check Out This Special Offer From [Practice Name]
Message body: [Practice Name] knows that individuals and businesses have faced challenges over the last few weeks, so they've put together a special referral offer to show they care. When you join their family, you'll receive a [Invitee Reward]. Click the link to qualify for the offer and they'll send you more information.
Step 5: Create your Invitee Signup Page Message
[Invitee Signup Page]:
Headline text: [Patient First Name] cares about you, AND SO DO WE!
Body text:
We're excited to get to know you better, while at the same time supporting local businesses. Sign up today to receive more information, and when you become the newest member of our family you'll receive a [Invitee Reward].
Step 6: Create the Invitee Confirmation Page Message
[Invitee Signup Confirmation Page]:
Headline text: Congratulations, [Invitee First Name]! You are signed up to receive a [Invitee Reward]!
Body text:
We will be in touch soon to provide you more information. In the meantime, visit us at [Practice Website] to learn more about [Practice Name].
Launch Campaign!
Graphics for referral campaign:
(click on the link, and then right click on the image to save to your computer)
- WE_CARE_RAF_aqua.png60 KB
- WE_CARE_RAF_blue.png60 KB
- WE_CARE_RAF_gold.png60 KB
- WE_CARE_RAF_red.png60 KB
- WE_CARE_RAF_teal.png60 KB
- WE_CARE_RAF_yellow.png60 KB