Build excitement🎉 for your promotion by sending messages to your members. Set up messages using Communication Manager where you can customize and schedule.
Click Member Messages on the top left to start.
Click Setup in Communication Manager.
Then, in the pop-up that appears, you can do the following:
- Choose your audience by selecting individual recipients by name or send to a user group or users with select tags.
- You will notice some default text and the graphic appear within your message. You can leave as is or edit and adjust accordingly.
- Select whether this message will be sent as an Email, an In App Message, or Both.
- Schedule the day and time your message will be sent or you can click Send Now and your members will receive your promotion immediately.
When you’re finished setting up your message, click Submit.
If you update the promotion in Promotion Manager or you'd like to edit your message, simply visit Communication Manager to view the schedule and to make any changes to the message.