Q1 2024 Hub Action Plan: Sparkle in the New Year ✨

Customer Success Advisor
Customer Success Advisor
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Q1-24-System-Alert.gif  HUB ACTION PLAN

Sparkle in the New Year with Seasonal Surprises That Transform Your Hub in Minutes ✨

Get ready to jazz up your Hub with the ultimate New Year's party pack! Our Hub Action Plan is bursting with fantastic ideas like a radiant seasonal referral campaign, a spring shindig that's as fresh as a daisy, and a Groundhog Day giveaway that gives us hope that spring is on its way.

Plus, buckle up for three months of non-stop fun with contests, surveys, and social posts – all ready to turn your Hub into the hottest spot in minutes! 

gray horizontal line.pngReferrals Icon_orange.png REFERRALS  Referral Rewards Make the Year Brighter

Pro Tip: Seasonal referral campaigns are a great way to remind members that you offer rewards for referrals, and offer 100% return since rewards are delayed until your prospect becomes a new member. We recommend creating a new seasonal campaign once every 3 months. Your standard campaign will automatically begin again once your seasonal campaign ends, so make sure your standard referral campaign is active.


The new year is a great time for a fantastic referral offer that brightens everyone's day!

Edit our suggested "Brighter Together" copy to craft a seasonal referral campaign that has everyone sharing your offer with friends and family. 

💡 Click here to find all the details 💡

gray horizontal line.png Promotions Icon_blue.png PROMOTIONS  |  Celebrate Spring With An Open House

Pro Tip: Promotion Manager is the perfect tool to help spread the word about all of your special events and offers. Once published, Promotion Manager really gets to work – creating a landing page, in-app message, social media posts, and print-ready flyers you can share within minutes.

Spring Open House_Promo.png

Connect with your patients or clients and cultivate new relationships with an open house. The suggested copy for this promotion features wellness checks, refreshments, activities, a special offer and giveaways. Edit the promotion as you add it to your Hub to fit the perfect spring open house for your office.


🌷 Click here to find all the details 🌷

gray horizontal line.pngSurveys Icon_dark blue.png SURVEY IDEA  |  Voting Survey Tied to a Giveaway

Here's a fun way to use your surveys feature in your Hub!

  1. Schedule the new Groundhog Day survey in your Hub (Marketplace>Surveys>Groundhog Day) to end on February 1st (the day before Groundhog Day 2024).
  2. Assemble a fun Groundhog Day-themed gift basket to display during your survey and encourage participation.
  3. Download this 8.5x11 flyer by clicking the linking at the bottom of this support article, and then display it throughout your office to spread the word.

Once your survey ends, choose a winner randomly from the survey respondents that answered correctly (hint: members who answered the survey and their answers are visible in your Hub). 

groundhog graphic 2.png

gray horizontal line.pngSurveys Icon_dark blue.png SURVEYS  |  Suggested Surveys for the New Year

Pro Tip: Surveys are an easy way to gather feedback from members while adding to the fun of your rewards program. Ask multiple-choice (including quizzes with right/wrong answers), open-ended questions, or have your members rank their opinions on a scale. We recommend scheduling two or more surveys each month. Since notifications and social posts are sent at the start of every new survey, stagger start dates to avoid multiple notifications in a day.

🆕  Click the link below to find suggested surveys for this Hub Action Plan ⬇️ 

Q1-24-SurveysGIF.gifgray horizontal line.pngSocial Media Icon_red.png SOCIAL MEDIA  |  Suggested Posts for the New Year

Pro Tip: Social Media Manager makes managing your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts quick and easy. Keep in mind that contests, surveys and reviews posts automatically from the Hub, so check the Marketing Calendar in your Hub to find days without posts.

🆕  Click the link below to find suggested social posts for this Hub Action Plan ⬇️  Q1-24-SocialGIF.gifgray horizontal line.png

Contest Icon_pink.png CONTESTS  |  Suggested Contests for the New Year

Pro Tip: Contests are a great way to add fun to your rewards program and keep you to-of-mind between visits. We recommend scheduling 1-2 contests each month. Since notifications and social posts are sent at the start of every new contest, stagger start dates to avoid multiple notifications in a day.

🆕  Click the link below to find suggested contests for this Hub Action Plan ⬇️ Q1-24-ContestsGIF.gifgray horizontal line.png

click here for video training.png click here for previous HAP.png

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