Celebrating Holidays in the Hub

Customer Success Advisor
Customer Success Advisor
  • Updated

Tis the season for the giving, and to kick it off right we’re giving you everything you need to create a rewarding holiday donation drive within your Hub.

Let's get this snowball rolling! 

Establish Your New Rewards

Start by setting up rules for how many points users can receive. For example, if you're sponsoring a canned food or coat drive, you might consider offering the following incentives: 

  • 10 Points: 1-5 Cans
  • 20 Points: 6-10 Cans
  • 30 Points: 10+ Cans

You can offer similar incentives for toy drives: 

  • 10 Points: 1 Small Toy
  • 20 Points: 1 Medium Toy
  • 30 Points: 1 Large Toy

Post these offers in your Reward Menu. If you need help with how to do this, check out our Managing Your Reward Menu article!

Spread the cheer!

Once you’ve added donation options to your reward menu, head over to Communication Manager and Social Media Manager to create some exciting announcements. (If you don't know how, check out our articles on Composing a New Message in Communication Manager, and Adding Your Own Content in Social Media Manager.)  

Here are a couple posters we created to help you inform your users. If you like them, please feel free to download, print, and use them in your own Hub messages, social media posts, and in-office advertisements!

Happy Holidays! 

Canned Food Drive Posters




Toy Drive Posters

