Creating an appointment is fast and easy with the Rewards Hub!
Start by going to your member's profile and clicking the "Appointment" tab.
**Note** Only an admin or a user who has been authorized to access the Appointments tab by an admin may perform this action.
There, you will be asked to set the appointment type, the date, and the description of the appointment.
How will the member be notified? Check the section at the bottom of the page to see which email address will receive Appointment and Upcoming Recall notifications.
If the member does not yet have an email address on file or needs to update their notifications, you will see a prompt at the bottom of the screen to update their Notification Settings.
Appointment/Recall Reminders
After the appointment has been created, the Rewards Hub will send a reminder out to the member according to the rules your business has set. If you need a refresher on how to set the rules for your Appointments feature, visit the support article here.
The email sent to the member will contain the time and place of the appointment, as well as the custom message included in the rule you created.
Deleting Appointments
If you ever need to delete an appointment, simply navigate to your member's profile, click the "Appointments" tab, and tap the "x" next to the appointment you would like to delete.