Account and Users

Customer Success Advisor
Customer Success Advisor
  • Updated

Account and User information can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the Hub. 

Clicking on your photo will take you to your own personal profile. As an admin, you’ll also be able to navigate to Account and Users.




Here you’ll see three tabs:

  1. Practice Information is your primary business location. Information in the "About Us" section appears on the Hub’s microsite that your members will use to log into their Hub account.
  2. Practice Locations is where additional location information is displayed.
  3. Billing information is where your credit card and monthly subscription invoices are housed. Please keep in mind that you can edit the credit card credentials at any time.


There are five different roles available in the system, each with varying levels of access and responsibilities: 

  • Rewards: This role has access to members, can award points, view the calendar and favorite items in the marketplace. It is suitable for people that need to award points and view scheduled events in the Hub.
  • Marketing + Rewards: This role has access to features of the Reward role, plus marketing features like social media posts, contests, surveys, reviews, referral campaigns, lead management, and their related settings. It is ideal for people who need to award points and assist with marketing and sales.
  • Financial users: This role has access only to orders and billing information. It is suitable for people who need access to the Hub solely for accounting and financial purposes.
  • Admins: This role can access all members, Hub features, settings, and reports. It is appropriate for doctors and others who are responsible for managing the Hub program.
  • Owners: This role has access to all members, all Hub features, settings, reports, and data. It should be assigned to the person with the highest level of authority at the company and is responsible for making critical decisions about how the program aligns with its overall strategy.


Adding a new User

To add a new user, complete all the required fields marked with an asterisk, including their name, email, unique username, temporary password, and appropriate role. 

For security purposes, all users are required to have a unique email address. With a verified email, users can receive important notifications about their account, such as password resets or suspicious login attempts. They also have a secure and simple way to reset their password.



Add user.jpg


Once you have completed the required fields and selected the appropriate role, click "Add User" to email the user with their login credentials, including the username and temporary password. 

Please note that the user will update their temporary password the first time they log in.


Editing an existing User 

To update a user's information, click on your logo in the top right corner and select 'Users' from the dropdown menu.




On the Users page, locate and click on the user you wish to edit. On the user's profile, you can make the following changes:

  • Edit Profile: You can edit the user's profile information, such as their name, title, username, password, and bio.
    • Resetting a user's password has to be done by an admin. Type in a new password in their profile and click Save. Once the user logs in, they may navigate to their profile and change it to a personal one. 
  • Edit Photo: You can upload a profile image or select an avatar.
  • Edit Privacy: You can choose how to display the user's name, photo, and bio on the Hub's public microsite.
  • Edit Notifications: You can change the Hub notifications the user receives.
  • Edit Roles: You can change the user's roles and permissions.


Removing Users

It is best practice to regularly review user permissions and conduct audits of user accounts. When a staff member leaves your practice, an admin should remove their user account from the Hub as soon as possible. This will help prevent any future activity on their profile. Simply navigate to their name and the click the red "x" to delete the account.

